2nd Generation Tribute
- Years
- 2008–2011
- Reliability
- 25th out of 36
- PainRank™
- 4.97
- Complaints
- 51
1st Generation Tribute
- Years
- 2001–2006
- Reliability
- 28th out of 36
- PainRank™
- 7.95
- Complaints
- 156
Mazda Tribute Generations
The Tribute has 2 generations available in North American markets. A generation is a group of model years where few, if any, changes were made to the vehicle which means their model years tend to break in similar ways.
The 1st generation (2001—2006) has been the least reliable.
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The best way to find out what's wrong with a vehicle is from the people who drive them. Not only do owner complaints help us rank vehicles by reliability, but they're often used to spark class-action lawsuits and warranty extensions. Plus, they're a great way to vent.